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阿卡索英語樂園發布時間:18-01-2501:47 雅思閱讀要如何做到快速的閱讀,除了最基本的詞匯積累,可針對性的記一些幫助理解文章的詞匯,再熟練地運用一些相關技巧。 雅托邦小編今天就帶大家領略一下相關技巧和針對詞匯,提供給大家參考,以期對大家有所幫助,一起來看看吧!雅思閱讀問題解析 進行句子分析訓練,句子讀的慢,其實有一個根本的原因就是理解得慢,句子讀不懂。因此,備考階段的一大任務就是要去學會如何去分析句子,并且還要通過大量的句子分析訓練,使自己能夠去快速的提取句子中的主干成分,以便能夠分辨出各部分的語法功能,從而讓自己可以去快速理解句子意思。做句子分析之前,建議大家可以先通讀一遍原文,并且還要把里面的生詞意思查好標出。然后針對一些復合句進行句子分析,具體步驟如下: 1.子句拆分。(將復合句拆全部都分為多個簡單句,并且還要去分析復合結構與從句類型) 2.對各簡單句進行一些成分劃分。(標出主語、謂語、賓語、系動詞、表語、定語、狀語、以及還有補語等成分) 3.翻譯各簡單句。(然后還要將各個子句翻譯為漢語) 4.整句翻譯。(將復合句當作是一個整體來進行進行翻譯) 當然,出了這些,我們還可以相對應的記一些易混淆的關聯詞,方便閱讀時的理解,如下: 1.表示增補,additionally, along with, also, as well as, besides, equally, even, furthermore, in addition, just as, moreover, not only…but also…, what’s more 2.表示強調,above all, as a matter of fact, indeed, in fact, most important, obviously, to be sure, truly, undoubtedly, without doubt 3.表示比較,by comparison, equally, equally important, in comparison, in the same way, in the same manner, likewise, similarly 4.表示讓步,admittedly, after all, all the same, although, even so, in spite of, nevertheless 5.表示結果,accordingly, as a result, consequently, for this reason, hence, in this way, so, therefore, thus. 6.表示轉折,although, but, despite, except for, though, however, in spite of, instead, nevertheless, on the other hand, otherwise, rather than, though, yet. 7.表示結論,as has been noted(mentioned, stated), at last, finally, in a word, all in all, in brief, in conclusion, in short, in sum, in summary, to conclude, to sum up , to summarize. 接下來可針對性的記一些表關系的詞: 1.表示次序關系遞進關系: also, apart from, besides, moreover, furthermore 時間先后: now, later, before, after, since, when, first, second, next, at last, eventually, finally 排列次序: another, the second…even more…the most… the best… the least... 2.表示比較關系 對比轉折: but, however, though, although, yet, nevertheless, on the other hand...相似關系: like, as, similar to, in the same way, or... 而為了更好的理解閱讀文章,觀點,概念及表明觀點的詞: idea, thought, concept, view, opinion, perspective, explanation, prediction, result, consequence, summary, aftermath...notice, indicate, say, believe, suggest, allege, conclude, appear to, think, point out, argue, remark, note, report, reason, discover, propose, imply, study, refute, claim... 表示態度的形容詞副詞動詞: advantegeous, pessimistic, positive, effectively, praise… Strange, difficult, devastating, harmful, shameful…Surprisingly, ironically…Ignore, blame, doubt, reject, question, balk...Practise makes perfect 以上就是雅托邦小編給大家奉上的本篇內容,望對大家有所幫助,有什麼問題歡迎來和小編討論哦!

關鍵字標籤:2020 IELTS雅思測驗日期

